New Research mission

The ECNU-S&P Research Center has been commissioned with a new research project. In cooperation with the Journal of East China Normal University, the study on the professional quali-fications of Chinese post-secondary institution graduates is supplemented by the perspective of the graduates themselves. From 2014 to 2017, the ECNU-S&P Research Center analyzed the professional qualifications of[…]

Onboarding-concept for Chinese graduates

In a collaborative study with East China Normal University (ECNU), S&P Consulting was able to highlight the causes of the dissatisfaction of Western companies regarding the professional qualifications of Chinese post-secondary institution graduates. It is not primarily the technical skills that young Chinese lack, but rather low-level methodological and social skills that make it difficult[…]


The PERFORMANCE SIMULATOR® is a web- and media-based training tool for targeted competence development and assessment. With the innovative technology of the PERFORMANCE SIMULATOR® necessary learning and change processes can be established in an efficient way. In PERFORMANCE SIMULATOR® real-life situations are authentically simulated with video frequencies, which have to be evaluated by trainees. With the[…]

Initiative “Smart Education China“

In the future, schools in China will be based on a system that takes equal account of equality, quality and innovation: Equality: Every student has the same opportunities to study Quality: From a rating system to a comprehensive evaluating system Innovation: From pure knowledge impartment to hands-on competence training The inflexible curriculum and the entrenched[…]

ECNU-S&P Research Center

The cooperation between S&P Consulting and the ECNU started in 2013 with the foundation of the “ECNU-S&P Research Center for ICT-Enabled Systemic Changes and Innovations” with the following research focus areas: Analysis of similarities and differences between the Chinese wisdom (among others Confucianism) and the Newer System Theory Development of a theoretical and practical model[…]